Gyposphilia Prints

Hi all,

As a part of my current practise I have been experimenting with print work on the printing press as well as painting.

A hobby of mine for the past two years has been collecting, pressing and preserving flowers. So I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to experiment with them within my print making work.

I started off by experimented with mixing different coloured ink to create textures on the acrylic plate, before I laid it down onto a piece of printing paper, with some pressed Gyposhilia.

The small plant obstructed some of the ink meaning that once I rolled it through the press and pealed them off, delicate white spaces were left where the flower had been on my paper.

I then did the opposite of this technique and inked up the flowers themselves. After the print had dried I positioned the plant onto the paper and rolled it through the press again. This meant detailed prints of the flower itself inked in black appeared over the top.

Gypsophila: Speckled Print



I decided to be quite free when creating these print pieces. I liked the idea of not having perfect edges when I’m inking up the plates. Due to this I dabbled with the idea of overlaying the black inked gyposphilia in an almost random fashion rather than lining them up exactly the white spaces behind them.

I think this looked good as it also allowed me to show the white negative space behind it as well as the delicate details of the printed plant themselves.

Gyposphilia: Burgundy Print




I was quite impressed with the way these came out and am keen to try and complete some more when I have some time, maybe using a different type of plant or technique. The thing I liked about them the most was that I never really knew what was going to come out when I rolled them through the press.

This way of working means the finished pieces are completely unique and that is something that I think is mirrored in the flowers I collect. No two are exactly the same in nature and that is what I love the most about working with plant and flowers.

These three prints shown here are all available for sales on my Etsy store, for more details click here.  Let me know what you think of this type of work I have completed, and if these prints are successful on my shop then I will be keen to create some more.

Thank you all for joining me today and I look forward to posting again soon.

O, x

Gypsophila: Sage Print

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